Student AI Learning Support (TEC)

Student AI Learning Support (TEC)

Main research question
For the “Student AI Learning Support (TEC)” project, the main research question was “What is the difference between the students that fail a semester/class and the students that do not fail the same semester?”. The team tried to find the optimal study path for a student based on the previous performance metrics.

Currently, Canvas electronic learning environment is being used at Fontys. Fontys provides learning materials, assignments, and a place for students to submit assignments and for teachers to give feedback on these assignments. All this information represents students' semester data. Initially, Fontys teachers thought that this data has potential and laid the foundation for this project.

However, present practice and organization of education in this learning environment is still traditional. All students have their own way of learning, their own pace. Finding the pattern in different learning approaches, together with a classification of the students was the research target for the current project.