Community Coins Eindhoven. Empowering communities with blockchain technology

Community Coins Eindhoven. Empowering communities with blockchain technology

How can technology help to create more resilient communities?

Society depends on active citizens doing good to make their communities a better place. Though many people feel the need to contribute to their community, many people lack time or money to become active for causes they care about. They get stuck in their job - or looking for a job - while daily costs and commitments such as taking care of family members, prevent them from investing their precious time in social issues they really care about.

What if we could remove these barriers and empower people and their communities? In the end, we all want a healthier, more social and sustainable world.

During this talk I will present the Possible Pilot Platform that we are currently testing in Eindhoven together with Fontys University and local volunteering groups. This platform not only matches social initiatives and volunteers, but also contains an advanced volunteer recognition system based on blockchain. Inspired by Greek timebanks that make people more resilient in times of crisis, the platform records volunteering hours and values time with Community Coins. These coins can be used for discounts at retailers participating to lower daily costs and stimulate the local economy. On top of that people can build their social resume or earn badges in social projects. This way, the platform encourages more people to contribute their time and skills to the benefit of local communities, while their transaction histories on blockchain help to make social impact measurable and transparent.

Tags: AFG