How does your computer understand your facial emotions?

How does your computer understand your facial emotions?

A Case Study of Communication Skills Training in E-Learning.

Emotion recognition technology is a high tech approach that allows computers to read the emotional states of humans, and provide them with the appropriate feedback. Moreover, we recognise this technology as artificial emotional intelligence (AEI), or Emotion AI.
Humans communicate with each other through nonverbal communication approach to send and receive messages without using any words, either written or spoken. Different nonverbal methods are called facial expressions, vocal intonations, body gesture, body language, etc.
In this talk, we focus on emotion recognition from facial expressions using webcam data to provide real-time, continuous, and unobtrusive recognition of facial expressions.
Furthermore, we will show you how to use this technology in an e-learning environment to improve communication skills training sessions for university students and professors.

Tags: EMO