Association game

Association game

We live in a creative chasm. We think of ourselves as creative problem solvers, and computers as the ultimate product of our logical reasoning. These days though, we are exposed to impressive problem solving skills by artifacts using artificial intelligence. Should we feel overwhelmed, being degraded by our own inventions? The answer is “No” of course. This talk is about getting a grip on this new relationship with technology.

In game design we face this challenge on a daily basis. Games challenge the creative problem solving skills of players in entertaining or more serious ways. These challenges are increasingly supported by artificial intelligence. The key is in tuning the algorithms such that players continue playing. Take for example Pac-Man. If Pac-Man was to be conquered by the ghosts far too quickly, a player would be turned off. However, if the ghosts were too easy to avoid, the game would be too easy. Still in Pac-Man, the rules for the ghosts are quite simple. In the complex worlds of current games it is hard to design interesting enemy behavior with simple rules.

In design we find this problem in a different way. In design we are constantly solving new problems. The challenges we can solve are increasingly complex. In design processes there is not a designed enemy that balances the difficulty for us – or is there? We are currently working on a project to start designing with artificial intelligence, in the heart of a creative process. Will you join us?